
You can change your address, telephone number and email address via Online Banking and Mobile Banking or by Telephone.

Via Online Banking

  1. Please log into Online Banking
  2. Click on the 'Profile' icon to begin (towards top right of screen)
  3. Click 'Contact Details'
  4. You will then be taken to your personal details profile, scroll down
  5. Select the arrow next to your 'Residential Address' section
  6. Scroll down until you can see the 'Address' section
  7. Once you reach the 'Address' section, click 'Edit'. If the customer has a correspondence address, this will also be available to edit
  8. I you have or previously had a mortgage with Barclays you may see a message confirming you'll be unable to update your address in Online Banking and you'll have to call us to do so
  9. You'll then see an important message at the top of your screen confirming changing your address will affect all of your sole and joint accounts, and any joint account holders will be able to see your new address on the top of statements and documents
  10. Type in your post code and click 'Find address'
  11. Select your address
  12. If you wish to change your address on a future date select 'choose a date', otherwise leave this selecting 'Now'
  13. Click continue
  14. Follow the steps to complete the update using your PINsentry reader
  15. Click 'Save Address' 

Via Mobile Banking (The Barclays App)

Tap the profile icon in the top left-hand corner

  1. Tap 'Residential address'
  2. Tap 'Edit home address' *It is important to note that if you have a joint account changing your address affects all sole and joint accounts. The new address will be visible to the other joint account holder on their statement and documents
  3. Tap 'Postcode'
  4. Tap 'Find address'
  5. Tap 'Please select address'
  6. Check new address is correct, if this is ok then scroll up
  7. Tap 'Today'
  8. If you would like to update the Barclaycard address as well tick 'Barclaycard address'
  9. Tap 'Review address change'
  10. Tap 'Card number'
  11. Tap the account of the card you want to use
  12. Tap the debit card you wish to use
  13. Enter the last 3 digits on the back of the card
  14. Enter the card expiry date
  15. Tap 'Confirm address change'

By Telephone


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Whether you want to know more about Barclays International Banking or opening an international bank account, here's how to get in touch.