
Travel wallet Terms and Conditions

Travel Wallet – Terms and Conditions

April 2024

Summary of main terms:

What these terms are for:

If you want to use your debit card to make international payments or cash withdrawals in the same currency as the product or service you are buying, Travel Wallet can help you do this.

Travel Wallet is a foreign exchange service that allows you, as accountholder, to convert funds in your GBP current account to another currency, for example USD or euros.  The converted funds can then be spent or withdrawn from your current account using your debit card without us applying further international payment charges, provided the funds are being spent or withdrawn in the same currency.

Who these terms are for:

  • Sole accountholders 
  • Joint accountholders
  • Authorised users, but only if we have agreed with you that authorised user functionality is available on your Linked Account.  

where the accountholder has permitted international payments for the account, and applied to use Travel Wallet via the Barclays App.

It is important that you know:

Travel Wallet is only available if you have the Barclays app, and is managed through the Barclays app.

If you are joint accountholders, we recommend that you both have access to the Barclays app to manage Travel Wallet. Only accountholders can open a Travel Wallet and decide when and how much currency to exchange. 

The converted funds are still funds in your account and so can be spent by any authorised user on your account that has been issued with a debit card for the account, unless an accountholder has restricted international payments for certain cardholders. 

We charge you to complete the foreign exchange conversion when you exchange GBP for another Travel Currency using Travel Wallet in the Barclays app.  We do not charge you for the reversal of any Travel Currencies back to GBP, or otherwise spending the converted funds, providing you do so in accordance with the main terms. 

Interest is not paid on the value of any Travel Currency held in a Travel Wallet. 

We cannot control charges applied by third parties, for example, ATM providers may still charge you for cash withdrawals, or if you agree to a currency conversion at checkout (perhaps because you are paying in GBP or from your Travel Wallet but this is not the home currency of where you are shopping, or if you agree to pay in GBP in a country that you could use a funded Travel Wallet in), you are also likely to be charged by a third party.

Main terms:

1. Introduction

1.1 These terms and conditions (the ‘Travel Wallet Terms’) supplement the general terms and conditions which apply to the Barclays account linked to your Travel Wallet (as defined below – the ‘Linked Account’), including the Authorised User terms and conditions and any terms and conditions applicable to joint accounts (in each case as applicable) and the Barclays app terms and conditions (together the ‘General Terms’)). Where there are differences between the General Terms and these Travel Wallet Terms, the Travel Wallet Terms set out below will apply.

1.2 Reference in these terms to 'us', 'we', 'our' or 'Barclays' shall be read to mean the Barclays company which you hold the Linked Account with (e.g. Barclays Bank UK PLC or Barclays Bank PLC).

1.3 The following terms have the meaning set out below for the purposes of these Travel Wallet Terms:

Eligible Account means any Barclays GBP personal current account, whether a sole account or joint account, or such other Barclays accounts we may agree in writing. 

Linked Account means any Eligible Account linked to the Travel Wallet. 

Travel Currencies means either Euro or USD, or such other currency we may agree in writing.

1.4 Notices relating to the Travel Wallet feature will be sent to the accountholder in accordance with the General Terms unless otherwise specified in these Travel Wallet Terms.

1.5 International Payments: Travel Wallet will be available as an additional way of using a debit card to make international payments to those already outlined in the General Terms, providing ‘International Payments’ are enabled for the Linked Account, and where applicable, any authorised users of the Linked Account.

1.6 Joint Accounts (if applicable): You must ensure that you tell any joint accountholder that you have applied for the Travel Wallet feature on the Linked Account as we are not required to separately notify them.  The Travel Wallet will be available to any joint accountholder as a feature of the Linked Account, and a joint accountholder will be able to use the Travel Wallet feature, including to exchange GBP and Travel Currencies as an accountholder, via the Barclays app. Any notifications that are sent to the accountholder under these Travel Wallet Terms will be sent to the first listed accountholder or otherwise appointed accountholder for notices in accordance with the General Terms, although any other accountholder will receive cardholder notifications as an affected cardholder, where applicable. You are also advised to inform any other joint accountholders about any instruction made on a Travel Wallet.  An instruction made by any joint account holder will be made on a joint and several basis and so any other account holder will not be notified of the instructions we receive, for example: (i) on a currency exchange or (ii) if changes are made to the settings, such as whether insufficient funds in a Travel Wallet should default to payment in GBP or a decline.

2. Opening a Travel Wallet

2.1 The Travel Wallet feature is available via the Barclays app if you have an Eligible Account. Please contact us using the details set out in your General Terms for more information on the Eligible Accounts and debit cards currently supported. We reserve the right to amend the list of Eligible Accounts supported at any time.

2.2 The Travel Wallet feature can be added to any Eligible Account. If you have a sole account and joint account with us, the Travel Wallet feature could be added to both your sole account and joint account.

2.3 Each Eligible Account can have a maximum of one wallet for each Travel Currency.  For example, you could add one USD Travel Wallet and one Euro Travel Wallet to your personal current account.

2.4 Any accountholder may request a new Travel Currency Travel Wallet once the Travel Wallet feature has been added to a Linked Account.  The Travel Wallet Terms will need to be accepted by an accountholder in the Barclays app each time a new Travel Currency Travel Wallet is opened.  

2.5 An SMS confirming Travel Wallet activation will be sent to all accountholders on set up of each Travel Currency Travel Wallet.

2.6 As an accountholder, any restrictions that you have chosen for any authorised users of your Linked Account will continue to apply to the Linked Account and extend to the use of the Travel Wallet feature. These restrictions can be changed at any time within the Barclays app or otherwise in accordance with the General Terms.

2.7 If any debit card associated with the Linked Account is replaced or reissued, for example on expiry or because it has been lost, stolen or damaged, then Travel Wallet will automatically remain available to the cardholder receiving the new card.

2.8 In the event a debit card associated with the Linked Account is not automatically replaced and you choose not to request a new one, then your Travel Wallet will remain open but the cardholder will not be able to access the Travel Wallet with the expired card.  However, any other active debit cards associated with the Linked Account will still be able to access the Travel Wallet as normal. (To request a replacement debit card for a Linked Account, the accountholder of the Linked Account will need to contact us using the details set out in the General Terms.)

3. Our charges for Travel Wallet

3.1 We will charge you each time you convert GBP into a Travel Currency as set out in paragraph 4.2 (Buying and exchanging currency) below.  

3.2 Our charge forms part of the exchange rate on each conversion from GBP to a Travel Currency and is referred to in the Barclays app as the ‘margin’.

3.3 We will not charge you to convert Travel Currency back to GBP.

3.4 We will not apply any other international payment charges providing the Travel Wallet is used in accordance with paragraph 5 (Using the Travel Wallet) below. 

3.5 We are not responsible for any charges that may still be applied by third parties when you use the Travel Wallet feature to make debit card payments or cash withdrawals.  Some examples of where these charges may be applied are set out in paragraph 5 (Using the Travel Wallet) below.

4. Buying and exchanging currency

4.1 Travel Currencies can be purchased by any accountholder of a Linked Account using the Barclays app, with available funds in the Linked Account.

4.2 In the Barclays app, an accountholder can select either:

(a) the amount and type of Travel Currency to be purchased or 

(b) the GBP amount to be exchanged for a Travel Currency,

and the Barclays app will then show:

(a) an indicative amount to be debited from the Linked Account; 

(b) an indication of the amount and type of Travel Currency to be credited to the Travel Wallet; and 

(c) the exchange rate applied, broken down to demonstrate the cost to you for completing the transaction (the“margin”) and the reference exchange rate used. 

This exchange rate will be guaranteed and available for 90 seconds for the accountholder to confirm acceptance. Once the accountholder has confirmed the exchange rate the purchase will be complete and the indicative Travel Currency amount will be immediately available to use in the Travel Wallet by all accountholders and other authorised users of the Linked Account (with permissions to make International Payments)

4.3 Travel Currency held in a Travel Wallet and shown as available balance can also be exchanged back into GBP.

4.4 In the Barclays app, the accountholder can select either:

(a) the type and amount of Travel Currency to be exchanged into GBP; or 

(b) the GBP amount to be purchased,

and the Barclays app will then show:

(a) an indicative amount and type of Travel Currency to be debited from the Travel Wallet; 

(b) an indication of the amount of GBP to be credited to the Linked Account; and 

(c) the exchange rate applied. 

No “margin” will be applied for the reverse exchange back to GBP.

This exchange rate will be guaranteed and available for 90 seconds for the accountholder to confirm acceptance. Once the accountholder has confirmed the exchange rate the purchase will be complete and the indicative GBP amount will be immediately available to use in the Linked Account by all accountholders and other authorised users of the Linked Account.

4.5 The exchange rate used for the purchase and sale of the Travel Currency including any applicable margin will be available to view in the Barclays app and will be shown on your Travel Wallet statement. 

4.6 Limits may apply to the amount of Travel Currency that can be purchased, stored and transacted using the Travel Wallet feature. You can check these in the Barclays app or by contacting us using the details set out in your General Terms. 

4.7 If an accountholder requests notification when a Travel Wallet reaches a ‘low balance’ this notification will be sent to all accountholders.

5. Using the Travel Wallet

5. 1 Travel Currency held in a Travel Wallet can be used for transactions and withdrawals in the same currency using any debit card associated with the Linked Account – you can use all the same debit card payment functions available in accordance with the General Terms when paying or withdrawing in the Travel Currency. Other types of payment, such as direct debits, are not available. We retain the right to amend the payment functions available on Travel Wallet at any time.

5.2 It is not possible to transfer funds between different Travel Wallets on the same Linked Account e.g. USD to Euro, or between Travel Wallets of the same or different Travel Currencies that are attached to a different Linked Account. 

5.3 Where a transaction or cash withdrawal is initiated in a Travel Currency held in a Travel Wallet, we will debit that currency amount from the available funds held in the applicable Travel Wallet.

5.4 Where a transaction or cash withdrawal is initiated in GBP or in a currency not held in a Travel Wallet, the transaction or withdrawal will be processed in GBP and debited from the Linked Account, not from any Travel Wallet. This includes a scenario where the cardholder is abroad and is offered a choice of paying in GBP or a Travel Currency and makes a decision to pay in GBP where this is not the recognised national currency.

5.5 Where a currency conversion is offered to you at point of sale or at an ATM, (e.g. where a cardholder is abroad and is offered the opportunity to pay in GBP or a Travel Currency), always consider if you hold the relevant currency of the transaction in your Travel Wallet before accepting. If a cardholder accepts a currency conversion from a third party (i.e. decides to pay in GBP), we shall not be liable for the exchange rate provided or any associated charges that may be imposed by that merchant or ATM provider. Try to find out what the merchant or cash machine provider's commission charges are and what exchange rate they are using, as overall it may be more expensive to pay in GBP.

5.6 We do not charge you for transactions or cash withdrawals made by a cardholder in a Travel Currency where there are available funds in the applicable Travel Wallet. Please be aware that other ATM providers may charge for cash withdrawals from your Travel Wallet and such charges will be deducted from your Travel Wallet.

5.7 Charges will be applicable where a transaction or cash withdrawal is initiated in GBP or in a currency not held in your Travel Wallet, when using any debit card associated with the Linked Account abroad and as noted above, these may be applied by third parties.

5.8 Please see your Barclays tariff which sets outs the applicable charges we will apply if any debit card associated with the Linked Account is used abroad to pay or withdraw cash in (a) GBP or (b) in a currency not held in your Travel Wallet (either abroad or in the UK). 

5.9 Where a cardholder makes a payment in a Travel Currency and there are insufficient funds to complete the transaction in the initiated currency in a Travel Wallet, an account holder can set up the Travel Wallet to:

(a) Convert the transaction into GBP and authorise the payment to be debited from the Linked Account (please note that charges may be incurred for non-GBP transactions, for more details please refer to your General Terms and tariff); or

(b) Decline the payment.

5.10 An accountholder can select the payment settings when opening a Travel Wallet and any accountholder can amend these settings at any time in the Barclays app.

5.11 Where possible, we may notify the cardholder in addition to the accountholder (if different) of a declined transaction. An accountholder may choose to amend the payment settings or top up the Travel Wallet.

6. Offline transactions

6.1 The majority of transactions will be processed by merchants immediately, however in some scenarios merchants may process a payment later than the date the payment was initiated.  Until these payments are processed by the merchant they will not be reflected in a Travel Wallet balance.

6.2 In the event that a Travel Wallet has insufficient funds or has been closed by us or an accountholder, at the point the payment is processed we will debit funds from the Linked Account, even where an accountholder had configured the Travel Wallet feature to decline the payment where there are insufficient funds in a Travel Wallet.

6.3 Where a refund is initiated in a Travel Currency held in a Travel Wallet, then the refund will be processed back into the Travel Wallet. If the Travel Wallet has been closed at the point the refund is processed the refund will be credited into the Linked Account at the applicable card scheme exchange rate. For example, Visa converts transactions into GBP using the Visa Exchange Rate on the day it processes the transaction. This date may be different to the day on which the transaction took place. Historic exchange rate information is available on visaeurope.com.

6.4 How we deal with unauthorised payments is set out in your General Terms. For unauthorised payments from your Travel Wallet, we’ll put your Travel Wallet back as if the payment hadn’t happened, unless we have reasonable grounds to think you’re not entitled to a refund.

7. Travel Wallet closure

7.1 We may be required to close a Travel Wallet for any of the reasons set out in these terms or the General Terms, and exchange the remaining balance back into GBP and credit the Linked Account on your behalf.

7.2 We may stop or suspend the use of Travel Wallet for any of the reasons set out in the General Terms.

7.3 Any accountholder may close a Travel Wallet at any time, once the balance is zero.

8. Statements

8.1 Any accountholder will be able to access information about payments into and out of a Travel Wallet, including details of any applicable margin, exchange rates or charges through the Barclays app.

8.2 Unless an accountholder has opted otherwise for the Linked Account, we’ll also put the same information on a monthly Travel Wallet statement and provide these to the accountholder free of charge accessible through the Barclays app, and as set out in the General Terms.

8.3 Only transactions or withdrawals from the Travel Wallet will appear on the Travel Wallet statement, all currency purchases and exchange transactions will also be shown on the statement of your Linked Account.

9. Interest

9.1 We will not pay interest on the value of any Travel Currency held in a Travel Wallet