
Get the most out of your Barclays app1 with these handy video guides. You can stay in control of your finances anywhere, anytime. Use your app to pay bills, move money between your accounts, cancel Direct Debits and much more.

Forgotten your PIN?

It’s easy to remind yourself of your PIN securely in your Barclays app.

View your bank balance

Stay on top of your finances – you can check your balances and statements in the app anytime you need.

Manage your Direct Debits

If you no longer want to pay a Direct Debit you can easily cancel them through your app, saving you a trip to your local branch.

Move money between accounts

You can quickly and safely transfer money between your accounts using the app, to make sure your money is where you need it.

Make payments on the go

You can send money to existing and new payees securely via your app.

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