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International payments

Make payments any time from almost anywhere

Features and benefits

Whether you’re moving money for business or travel, we provide secure and seamless solutions that are designed to fit our clients’ global lifestyles.

A truly international reach
Transfer funds in up to 90 countries and in up to 60 currencies

24/7 digital access 
Our online and mobile services give you the freedom to manage your money, whenever it suits you

Digital payments
You can send up to £100,000 (or currency equivalent) abroad with the Barclays app and Online Banking. You can send more by written instruction

Simple, safe euro payments
Send payments in euros to EU countries and other European jurisdictions via the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) Credit Transfer1

Things to consider

What do payments cost?

View the costs associated with sending international payments.

How to make online payments

Learn how to make secure payments with Barclays.

Offshore transfers IBAN regulations

A guide to using International Bank Account Numbers (IBAN) to make international transfers.

Apply for an account today

Opening a Barclays International Bank account is straightforward and you’ll have a choice of three major currencies – sterling, euros, or US dollars. You'll also need...

Residence in a qualifying country
We offer bank accounts in over 35 countries internationally

A minimum of £100,000 (or currency equivalent)2,3
This can be in savings and/or investments across all your accounts with us

A minimum of £250,000 (or currency equivalent)2 for Relationship Management
Get access to an expert who can explore your financial goals in detail. Learn more about the benefits of having a Relationship Manager

Products and services you might be interested in


International banking

Our International Bank Account is a current account you can open in a selection of currencies, and in a variety of locations.


Foreign exchange

Move your money effortlessly, and internationally, between your accounts.


International bank cards

Make payments whenever and wherever suits you.


Get in touch