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Treasury Deposit Account

Feel reassured with a guaranteed interest rate

Features and benefits

Whether you’re living abroad and keeping savings in sterling, or working in the UK and being paid in US dollars, our Treasury Deposits savings account can offer you certainty in unpredictable times.

Short- or long-term savings
Lock your money away for a period of your choosing – anything from three months to five years

Choose your currency
Treasury Deposits are available in sterling, US dollars, and many other currencies

Minimum deposit
Minimum deposit of at least £50,000, $50,000 or GBP currency equivalent

Fixed rate of interest
The interest rate we’ll pay, and whether it’s paid annually or at the end of the term, is agreed when you make your deposit and won’t change throughout the term

Things to consider

  • You cannot add or withdraw cash from a Treasury Deposit
  • There is no right to cancel a Treasury Deposit, so be sure it’s the solution that works for you1
  • If interest rates move, either up or down, your deposit won’t be affected

Apply for an account today

Opening a Barclays International Bank account is straightforward and you’ll have a choice of three major currencies – sterling, euros, or US dollars. You'll also need...

Residence in a qualifying country
We offer bank accounts in over 35 countries internationally

A minimum of £100,000 (or currency equivalent)2,3
This can be in savings and/or investments across all your accounts with us

A minimum of £250,000 (or currency equivalent)2 for Relationship Management
Get access to an expert who can explore your financial goals in detail. Learn more about the benefits of having a Relationship Manager

Learn more about other savings accounts

International Reserve Accounts

The flexibility of instant-access savings

Our International Reserve Account lets you save in sterling and US dollars, helping you to make the most of your money.

Notice Deposit Accounts

A higher yield on your savings

If you don’t need to make withdrawals, locking your funds away with a Notice Deposit Account can provide you with access to more competitive rates.

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International banking

Our International Bank Account is a current account you can open in a selection of currencies, and in a variety of locations.


Foreign exchange

Move your money effortlessly, and internationally, between your accounts.



Our mortgage advisers are on hand every step of the way and can help you choose from a range of fixed and variable mortgages, or a combination of both.



We can help you find diversified and robust  solutions – in the UK and abroad – that meet your goals and match your risk appetite.

Get in touch